Where to begin? When you’re writing, getting started can be tricky. Writer’s block is a common ailment. So no matter what your written task or genre, making sure you don’t get paralyzed by those first words is crucial. Although we all have different ways of preparing to write, regardless of one’s style, at some point all writers must simply dive in and get wet.
Standing atop that diving board can be very lonely. Sometimes you look down with trepidation. All you want to do is crawl back down that long ladder to safety, but you hate that feeling of shame as co-workers, friends or family witness your failure. On other days you appear more confident. Instead you hold onto the rails of the high dive, check out the view, and pretend. You make half-hearted attempts to jot down a couple sentences or thoughts, but ultimately you take a pencil dive off the board. Let’s face it, to be truly successful, you need more than a pencil dive. Whether it’s a backflip, reverse, or twist, all dives begin with putting your fears aside. In mastering your fears you’ll be ready for the next steps … learning, practicing, and perfecting your craft.
Starting up any project, written or otherwise, is no different. If you find yourself stuck, ask yourself “What am I afraid of?” I asked myself that question this morning. I’ve been mulling over this blogsite for months now. Mentally I’ve labelled this time “research,” but if I’m honest with myself, I’ve been afraid to dive in. So today, right now, I’m taking the plunge. I’m going to scrap worrying about what people think. I’m going to let go of what the entire picture looks like. I’m going to stop figuring out this blog’s greater purpose or direction. Instead, I’m going to work on what it is right now and begin. Over time I know it will morph and take shape. But today I must trust myself and just let it be-come.
What project has you stuck? What trips you up? Or if getting stuck isn’t your problem, help the rest of us out and share how you just dive in!
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2 Responses
Just what I needed to read this morning. I have been procrastinating for months about rewriting a novel I wrote several years ago, as well as finishing a number of half done short stories. I guess it is time to take the plunge….
Jump in and get it done. Best of luck!