There are costs associated with maintaining a blog, hosting a website, and all that goes on behind the scenes into producing high-quality content. To date, this has truly been a labor of love, but when we relaunched the site in the fall of 2014, we decided that if we were going to accomplish our vision, we were going to have to start generating revenue via advertising, sponsorships, and other income streams.
If you’re interested in sponsoring what we do here at please apply by sending an email to admin{at}brucebradley{dot}com with “sponsorship” in the subject line. Please know that while we realize there are lots of great products out there, we’re really committed to only sharing products, businesses, or websites that are in sync with our values and beliefs. So browse our site and also take a look at our vision and our values to get a better perspective on whether you’d be a good fit.
Thank you in advance for your interest in our community!

End the confusion! Learn what’s really in your food and how to take simple steps toward eating healthier!

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