If you don’t have any idea of what you want to accomplish or where you want to go in this world, you don’t stand a very good chance of getting there.
That’s why we’ve been very intentional about creating a strong vision and mission for our online community. You see, we’re confident that by working together we can create great things. So although these statements may appear a bit pie-in-the-sky, we agree wholeheartedly with Les Brown when he said:
“Most people fail in life not because they aim too high and miss, but because they aim too low and hit.”
Our Mission for Healthier Food:
Although we are only one voice in a very noisy world, we try to do the following:
“We wake up every day to inspire people to overcome this noisy food world, to discover their food values, and to live happier, healthier lives.”
Help us share our mission for healthier food? Simply hover over the image above and click on one of the share buttons that appears!
Our hope is that by embracing our values and this mission that we accomplish great things and, over time, help bring to life our vision.
Our Vision for Healthier Food:
What is a vision? By definition, a vision clear and compelling. It serves as a unifying focal point of effort and acts as a catalyst for action. A true vision engages people – it reaches out and grabs them. People get it right away, and it takes little or no explanation. Hopefully, our vision for healthier food does that for you!
“We will create a community that will embrace a new understanding of health and happiness. In so doing we will craft a unique model for success in the world of food, nutrition, health, and happiness—one measured by compassion, understanding, and discernment versus judgment. One filled with knowledge, tips, tools and hope versus dictating values, fads, or prescribing some self-serving path. We wholeheartedly acknowledge that everyone is on their own journey and that judgment only serves to isolate people.”
Help us share our vision for healthier food? Hover over the image above and click on one of the share buttons that appears!
Interested in joining us on this amazing journey toward eating healthier food? We hope so! Please consider subscribing to our newsletter and sharing us with your friends and family!
End the confusion! Learn what’s really in your food and how to take simple steps toward eating healthier!
If you enjoyed this article or recipe may I ask you a favor? Please share it with a friend. Why? Because together we can make a difference and help each other live happier and healthier lives. Thank you!