Although I’m not a huge fan of shopping, I LOVE finding thoughtful gift ideas for friends and loved ones. I get a real sense of joy from seeing their face light up when I share the perfect gift.
Now we’ve always made a real effort to give homemade gifts from our kitchen, but this year I thought I’d also share some gift ideas for people who love to cook or are trying to cook more. 🙂 Hopefully one or two of these gift ideas will be perfect for someone special on your list!
Finally, before I get started, I’ve included the current price and a link (mostly for Amazon) on where you can buy each of these items. Although I do receive a small commission if you use the link (see our full affiliate link disclosure at the very bottom of this blog post), please feel free to buy this item wherever you choose. I’m a huge supporter of shopping local as well, so as much as anything, these links are a way for you to learn more about the products I’m recommending.
My Top 15 Great Gift Ideas for Real Food Cooks:
- OXO Wooden Reamer / Juicer: $5.99
If you’re looking to quickly juice a lime, lemon, or orange, this wooden reamer/juicer does the trick easily, and it really helps you get every drop of juice out.
- Zester / Microplane: $13.49
If you’re using an traditional zester, please check this microplane out. It is SO much easier and faster! And what’s great is this tool works perfectly for grating hard cheeses (parmesan, Romano) and spices like nutmeg or ginger. I love when I find a kitchen gadget that’s not a one trick pony! 🙂
- Measuring Spoons: $13.95
I don’t think I could ever have enough measuring spoons. And what’s great about this set is that it has all the different sizes you need, and it’s dishwasher safe. Pair it up with some delicious ground cinnamon and my apple pie recipe, and you’ve got yourself a perfect gift idea.
- Medium OXO Scoop: $13.95
If you’re cooking up some muffins or cookies, these OXO scoops are wonderful for making the perfect-sized baked good. I love them some much I have all three sizes!
- Ball Whisk: $18.95
Are you scrambling up some eggs for breakfast or a perfect Sunday Brunch Frittata? A ball whisk is a speedy, great alternative that’s perfect for whipping up eggs or egg whites. Try it out and you’ll wonder why you hadn’t switched years ago!
- Instant-Read Thermometer: $19.97
I love my Thermapen instant-read thermometer for grilling chicken, pork chops, flank steak, or even baking yeast breads, but it costs over $100. Then a friend of mine told me about this much more affordable Palermo thermometer and raved about it. What’s even better? It comes with a lifetime replacement guarantee. Wow! For under $20, you can’t beat this bargain.
A spiralizer is great, fun way to get your family eating more vegetables. Here’s my Garden Pasta Primavera recipe where I used my spiralizer to replace half of the noodles with squash. Boy, does it taste amazing! That said, if you’re not fully committed to the whole spiralizing idea, here’s a cheaper hand-held tool that juliennes vegetables.
If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you’ve probably seen me add these amazing, non-slip cutting boards to my kitchen tips and resources section. Why? I absolutely love them. I have 3 different sizes of these cutting boards, and they work perfectly. And with different color options, you can pick the version that looks best in your kitchen! Definitely check these out.
- Cusinart Immersion Blender: $34.95
If you’re pureeing some soup, making some mayonnaise, or whipping up a sauce or salad dressing, this Cuisinart Immersion / Stick blender is perfect for the job. And since the blending tip is dishwasher safe, cleanup is super easy!
- Lodge Carbon Steel Skillet: $38.36
I fell so in love with this 12″ Lodge Carbon Steel Skillet, that over time I’ve bought the 15-inch, 10-inch, and 8-inch pans. Why am I such a fan? These skillets work perfectly on the stove or oven and they’re so much easier to handle than a cast iron skillet. I use the smaller pans to fry eggs and sauté all different kinds of foods while the bigger pans I use for roasting vegetables or my chicken and chickpeas recipes. Yumm!!
Okay, I’ll admit it. This gadget is a bit of a one trick pony. But it makes whipping REAL whipped cream so much easier than getting out the blender or mixer. Just add a touch of maple syrup and some vanilla and you’ve got perfect whipped cream in seconds.
- Sodastream: $86.29
When I kicked my diet soda habit, seltzer was HUGE in helping me make the break. To this day I still enjoy drinking seltzer water. Call me crazy but I like the bubbles, and if I squeeze a little lime or lemon in, it’s extra refreshing. After buying LOTS of cans of seltzer for a couple of years, I decided to add this to my holiday wish list, and my brother gave it to me, and I love it. Now all I need is a coaster to go with it, as I don’t want to leave a stain on the table when I put my glass down. Maybe next Christmas my brother will buy “”>custom coasters – that would be absolutely great!
If you’re cooking fairly often, a good food processor really comes in handy. While I won’t say this is a necessity, I really love mine, and I think it’s a great addition to any kitchen.
- Blendtec New & Refurbished Blenders: $279.95+
Yes, Blendtec blenders are pricey, but I really love mine and can’t say enough good things about it! There are so many things that Blendtec blenders can do, you will never regret investing in one. From making nut butters, to smoothies, to soups and countless other recipes, it really works magic in the kitchen. I got mine as a gift from Costco, but the Blendtec site also has some amazing deals on refurbished units that are just like new and have the full 7-year warranty.
- My Novel, FAT PROFIT$: $7.99 Kindle / $22.70 Hardcover
Please forgive me, but here’s a little plug for my novel, FAT PROFIT$. It’s received wonderful reviews, and it’s a fun, entertaining way to get people thinking more about where our food comes from. So if there’s someone on your list that loves to read a great thriller, definitely add FAT PROFIT$ to your list!
Other Gift Ideas for REAL food fans?
What do you think? Do any of these gift ideas sound interesting? Or do you have some favorite kitchens tools, gadgets, or appliances that you recommend for gift-giving occasions? Share them in the comments below, and let’s help each other out!

End the confusion! Learn what’s really in your food and how to take simple steps toward eating healthier!

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